
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Development of Possible Insanity in Progression

The loss of self. This is what it has come to. A doubt of my major, a loss of my confidence, the disparaging of myself surrounds. What have I become? Who am I? Once a strong and confident woman shattered through the searing glares and painful words. Has all confidence been lost? Am I reduced to the shameful nights of weeping into my pillow once again?

Torn between the realm of darkness and the depth of love. Support encompasses me, yet those once assumed to be close break away. Each individual bound to a piece of my being; each departure breaking me down more and more. I'm lose, spiraling downward loosing sight of the light above.

The pain of a car. Never would I sacrifice my soul when there are so many goals yet to be accomplished. I stared at the cars on the street driving by. Each one left me wondering, would people come together and leave their differences behind if I got injured? Would I be willing to do that for others? My life will not end, but the severity of my pain could be the bond to bring separate pieces together again. All pieces except those link to my being... my soul.

Broken beyond repair...torn. No soul can fix this... and I wonder if even I can.


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